Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Your ankles are showing!

This is my first post on here and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing... but I'll do it anyway. These are a couple of drawings I did a while back that are based on inside jokes amongst my friends and I. We find that the sheer absurdity of much of Victorian Era can be an endless source of amusement. It's lead to many a joke about bustles and the proper covering of unmentionables (legs).


Anonymous said...
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Cadet Jared said...

don't click on the "here."

Cadet Tom said...

hey, these are hilarious and awesome. ditto on the sentiments towards victorian charm and ridiculousness. my favorite is the suggestion that any tall glass should have an appropriate skirt. though the fancy dress-caddies come in a close second. that's brilliant.

do you have any more on the same theme??

please post more!

ps. sorry the spambot got to your post before us. that doesn't usually happen. you should be able to delete those comments.

Cadet Declan said...

Thanks! I'm glad you like them. I do have a few more doodles along similar lines but I currently have very limited access to a working scanner.

morgiepoo said...

It is very funny even if you are not inside on the joke. Plus them's the kind of dresses I will wear when I win my oscars.

the admiral said...

i want an emoat!!! i've been looking for the perfect nightstand and it seems i've found it. how can i get one?
also, i'm very impressed by those ladies.

Anonymous said...
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Cadet Declan said...

To morgiepoo: You totally should wear one to your Oscar win! Corsets may be absurd but bustles are infinitely useful!

To admiral alanna: You can order a fully functional emoat from me actually but warranty issues and manufacturer restrictions prevent me from shipping emaots to all geographical locations.